Valheim Dead Raiser

Valheim Dead Raiser guide: How to craft this weapon


The Dead Raiser isn’t the most imaginatively named thing you can add to your arsenal in the Viking afterlife, but it is one of the new magical weapons that was added with the big Mistlands update. Just like the Staff of Embers, you’ll need Eitr to power the Dead Raiser, but you’ll get your very own Skeleton—or two—to fight alongside you and help defeat any enemies you come across.

You’ll need to venture into the Mistlands if you want to craft this magical item, though you’ll need a couple of resources you can pick up fairly early on too. So, if you’re ready to summon a skelly-friend to help you out, here’s how to craft the Dead Raiser in Valheim. 

How to craft a Valheim Dead Raiser 
