The Crew screenshot

UK government responds to Stop Killing Games petition, and it’s not good: ‘There is no requirement in UK law’ that forces companies to support old software

The UK government has issued a response to a petition filed by the Stop Killing Games campaign, and it’s probably not what organizers were hoping to hear. The Department of Culture, Media and Sport said videogame companies must comply with existing consumer laws, but also noted that there is no law compelling them to support older versions of their products.

Stop Killing Games came together earlier this year, catalyzed by Ubisoft’s decision to end online support for The Crew, rendering the 10-year-old racing game unplayable because of its online requirements. Founder Ross Scott is hoping that pressure from gamers will convince governments to impose laws requiring game makers to ensure games are left in a playable state when online support is ended, very generally by removing any dependence on connectivity in order to function.