Amazon Games has outlined its April and May content plan for Lost Ark, including two new playable classes.
Coming in April is the Glaivier, a new female martial artist advanced class who weaves together attacks with a spear and glaive depending on the two stances she uses: Focus and Flurry.
““”While certain builds may focus your attention onto one of these weapons, an effective Glaivier can maximize their potential by creating balance between the two stances, building up energy in one stance which grants an impactful stat-boost when swapping to the other,””” reads the blog post.
Then, in May, the hammer-wielding Destroyer will be added – a new warrior advanced class with hammer attacks ““”so catastrophically crushing that Destroyers can bend gravity to their will”””. Sounds tough.

A new continent is also on the way in April: South Vern, a “once-barren land” that’s now a place “of abundant waters and green pastures”. It will be the second Tier 3 continent, filled with new characters and quests.
More content is also on the way, but Amazon Games is handling this delicately so as not to overwhelm players, further addressing player concerns of pay-to-win gameplay.
“We’re going to keep the near future focused on horizontal content and giving players clear paths for progression without feeling like they need to pay,” reads the blog post.
“We want to give more players time to reach the end-game before introducing Legion Raids (the definitive Lost Ark raiding experience), and ensure players are able to explore Arkesia and progress at their own pace without feeling pressured to race toward end-game content.”
As such, the Guardian Raid – Deskaluda and Legion Raid – Valtan quests will tentatively release in May.
Other content added will include Trial Guardian Raids and general bug fixes. Check out the full blog post for all the details.
Our Lost Ark review stated the flashy combat eventually wears thin, so this new content is welcome for long-term players.