Elon Musk spent the holidays grinding Diablo 4 and leeching XP from its most popular streamers

Twitter users have been confusing Elon Musk’s Grok AI with fake news and it’s all rather amusing

Sometimes I feel a pang of sympathy for Twitter’s AI chatbot, Grok. Not only has it been cursed with perhaps the most unflattering name one could bestow upon an AI chatbot, but it’s had a bit of a rough time of it since release. In no small part because it’s been inextricably tied to Elon Musk and as a result, people do love to poke fun. 

One of Grok’s primary purposes is to summarize breaking news on Twitter, however it has been prone to the odd bout of confusion, like getting itself into hot water by completely making up significant world events. Most recently, Grok appears to have mis-interpreted a joking Twitter post accusing a basketball player of “throwing bricks”, which is commonly used in reference to a player making a shot that doesn’t hit the rim (via Ars Technica). 
