Turn Metal: Hellsinger into Jazz: Bebopswinger with new, free modding tools

Turn Metal: Hellsinger into Jazz: Bebopswinger with new, free modding tools


Metal: Hellsinger, the high-speed headbanging FPS from Hell, features a “great soundtrack and well-integrated rhythmic combat,” we said in our 78% review (opens in new tab). But what’s a poor gamer to do if they want to rock out against the hordes of Hades but, well, they really just don’t care for metal?

Enter the power of mods. Announced today by The Outsiders and Funcom, Metal: Hellsinger’s free modding tool enables users to insert their own music into the game, and make it react appropriately to the player’s performance. Want to be a K-Pop Killer? A Disco Death Machine? An EDM MDK? All things, at least insofar as musical massacres go, are possible.

