
Since this summer, Toornament has been offering the possibility to create your own white-label tournament platform without a single line of code. But what does a complete white-label tournament platform created with Toornament actually look like?
To let you discover by yourself, we give you access to the latest tournament platform we built!
Called “Battlezone“, this demo tournament platform is an example of what you can get, both from a tournament organization and user experience perspective. The demo platform has the following features in particular:
- multiple games platform
- white-label user experience
- desktop and mobile versions
- multiple languages (here in English and Arabic)
- duel, team and free for all match formats used
- competition circuits and leaderboards management
To find out for yourself, visit the demo tournament platform at www.bzplatform.com. Browse its tournaments, create your account and your team, invite other members in it, or register to open tournaments.
Contact us at [email protected] for an even more complete guided tour of the tournament platform and how you could be using it for your next competitive gaming project!