Tribes 3: Rivals screenshot - red heavy armor flying past a base

Tribes 3’s Next Fest demo has me hopeful for a Tribes game that finally sticks

Here is what you need to know: Tribes 3—demo currently available as part of the ongoing Steam Next Fest—lets you ski backwards at 150 miles per hour while firing a chain gun at pursuers. On that basis alone you should probably go give it a try. All the best, most basic zones of your mammalian brain will light up like starshine.

But if you need more information than that, here it is: Tribes 3 is the latest revival of the twice dearly departed Tribes series, team-based FPSes that let you deactivate friction on your feet at the touch of a button, turning every match into an incredibly fun mess of momentum-building spacemen zipping around big, hilly maps and annihilating each other with rocket launchers. It’s also called Tribes 3 despite there being three other Tribes games in between it and Tribes 2. Are we going to explain that? No.

(Image credit: Prophecy Games)

A confession: I never played the original Tribeses. I came in only for 2012’s Tribes: Ascend, the first, free-to-play revival of the series that went quietly into that good night back in 2016. It was excellent while it lasted, though, and while I was always dreadful at it, I invariably had an excellent time playing. And while what I’ve played of Tribes 3 isn’t perfect, I do feel like I’m right back in 2013, merrily blasting and being blasted in the FIS Alpine World Cup: Second Amendment Edition.