Trap-dodging first person runner Phantom Abyss has escaped early access

Trap-dodging first person runner Phantom Abyss has escaped early access

First person whip-based treasure-looting platformer Phantom Abyss has released from early access, bringing its fusion of roguelike and runner to a complete version 1.0 with three separate game modes to play. In Phantom Abyss players are a tomb-delving adventurer challenged to reach the end of incredibly deadly trap-filled dungeons and retrieve precious treasures from the end.

The new Adventure Mode came out in 1.0, and is a non-roguelike set of curated journeys through specific handcrafted temples, a perfect place to learn the game from or just enjoy as a solo experience. Each of them has a unique whip to use, relic to gather, and set of challenges to face.