Todd Howard says you'll never run out of fuel in Starfield because it's a 'fun killer'

Todd Howard says you’ll never run out of fuel in Starfield because it’s a ‘fun killer’


Todd Howard has given a wide-ranging interview on the Lex Fridman podcast, during which he talked a little more about Bethesda’s upcoming Starfield (opens in new tab), which following a delay (opens in new tab) is set for release early next year. I’m still just expecting this to be Skyrim in space, and I’ll play the hell out of it, but Howard gives a little more detail on how the star systems will be structured and some of the things that were “dialled back” for being too hardcore. 

On the game’s number of 1000 planets (opens in new tab), Howard says that’s all about having “a set we can validate and know about.” With Bethesda’s technology they could have generated as many as they wanted: “a hundred planets or a thousand or a million, you just change the number, press the button.” But Howard says this means you can’t know what the experience will be like for anyone landing on those planets, which may well be taken by some as a not-so-coded reference to No Man’s Sky.
