Sat on a cat tree, surrounded by cats.

Today’s big Guild Wars 2 update may add new weapon proficiencies and a new legendary armour set, but what I really care about is this adorable cat tree

Yes, sure, there are a bunch of new features dropping in today’s major update for Guild Wars 2’s Secrets of the Obscure expansion. New story chapters continue the wayfinder’s campaign into Inner Nayos—home of the demonic kryptis. A new section of that map will be available to explore, with new events to complete. A new weapon proficiency will be unlocked for each profession, further expanding each specialisation’s toolkit. And the first tier of the new open world legendary armour set will be released, finally letting players craft the highest rarity of clothes without having to venture into raids, PvP or World vs World.

That’s all happening, and all very exciting. But none of it is why I, personally, am logging in this afternoon. No. I’m here for the cat tree. It is a thing of beauty. Behold, pure leisure.