Timesplitters 2 cover art

TimeSplitters studio Free Radical Design has closed, employees say: ‘We join an ever-growing list of casualties in a broken industry’

It appears that, as first rumored in November, TimeSplitters studio Free Radical Design has been closed. The studio’s website has been scrubbed and now bears a simple message saying “404 Company not found :(,” while multiple employees have said that today was their last day.

Free Radical was originally founded in 1999 by ex-Rare developers, the creators of GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark. Free Radical found success with its quirky shooter series TimeSplitters, which debuted in 2000 as a PlayStation 2 launch title, with further sequels in 2002 and 2005. Although it never appeared on PC, TimeSplitters is held up as an underrated shooter of that era, with a funny campaign, arcadey shooting built on its GoldenEye pedigree, and a decent little map editor, for a PS2 game.
