This weird disk robot moves like a beached magikarp

This weird disk robot moves like a beached magikarp


We’ve seen a lot of unnerving movement from robots lately. Boston Dynamics robots have danced their way into the internet’s hearts and nightmares with their smooth moves. They can even do parkour, well sometimes. Well here are some robots with even smoother moves, kind of. 

Soft robotics engineers in China have demonstrated some impressive movement from this weird black floppy disc (not that kind) that kinda looks like a manta ray if being polite, but more like a Magikarp using splash in action. Presumably unlike a Magikarp, they work by changing the distribution of fluids within the flexible discs. This gives them the ability to do rapid controlled, steered jumps. This means they can move in potentially any direction, including upwards, even if there’s something in the way.
