Channel 1 AI newsreader

This startup news channel uses AI presenters and some genuinely impressive tech, but it sure is giving me the heebie-jeebies

As the prevalence of AI continues to dominate the headlines, it looks like no industry is immune from adopting some version of the technology into its vision for the future. In this case however, AI isn’t just in the news, it’s the one reading it to you. Courtesy of Ars Technica, new startup Channel 1 has shown off a proof-of-concept video demonstrating AI avatars as news presenters, and the results are both genuinely impressive and a headfirst plunge into the depths of uncanny valley.

These AI avatars are based on real people (who, we’re informed, “have been compensated for use of their likeness”) and relies on what are described as “sophisticated systems behind the scenes” to create their vocal delivery, mannerisms and expressions, and at first glance the results are remarkably convincing.