These modders are reconstructing the Duke Nukem Forever of the Good Timeline

This randomizer mod reshuffles classic shooters like Duke 3D, Blood, and Shadow Warrior


Modder Die4Ever has brought a selection of classic PC FPSes to the chaos realm with a new project, the Build Engine Randomizer (opens in new tab). The mod lets players remix the enemy and item placements for games on Ken Silverman’s legendary Build Engine⁠—most famous for Duke Nukem 3D, it also served as a middleware platform for developers like Monolift and Lobotomy.

Die4Ever’s Build Randomizer works on Duke 3D, Shadow Warrior, Blood, Powerslave, and Voidpoint’s 2019 Build FPS, Ion Fury. The mod creates new seeds of the game with reshuffled item and enemy placements, with added parameters for how difficult and how out there the new configurations might be, with Die4Ever warning that “putting every setting to maximum will make the game nearly impossible.”
