This mod turns Stellaris into the Mass Effect strategy game you've dreamed of

This mod creatively revives a long-forgotten Mass Effect 2 feature in the Legendary Edition remaster


Mass Effect has some of the best worldbuilding in any RPG, period. Seriously, even with the impending Reaper invasion it still seems like it’d be fun to live in that version of the Milky Way. One of the coolest bits of background flavor BioWare included in the series was the Cerberus Daily News (opens in new tab), a little ticker on Mass Effect 2’s home screen that provided short news bulletins about the galaxy’s happenings. Now modder Cirosan on the Legendary Edition Nexus has brought these stories forward (opens in new tab) into the Legendary Edition re-release.

The original CDN was really ambitious for how much of a minor addition it was⁠—Mass Effect 2’s main menu was updated with a new story every day from January 26, 2010 to January 24, 2011, with short revivals later in 2011 and 2012 to promote ME2’s DLC and, eventually, Mass Effect 3. Some of these stories would foreshadow later developments in Mass Effect’s main story, while others simply added to the texture of the setting.
