This JRPG platformer's amateurish art hides one of 2022's best and wildest sleeper hits

This JRPG platformer’s amateurish art hides one of 2022’s best and wildest sleeper hits


You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover or a game by its sprites, but I’ll admit that I initially overlooked Astlibra Revision when it launched in mid-October. The Steam page for this platformer action-JRPG by a Japanese solo developer boasts over fifteen years of development time, but looks like some sort of mad fantasy clipart collage. Even its most fetching screenshots are a confusing clash of mismatched art from different sources, poorly cropped images and badly tiled terrain.

And yet right now it’s sitting at over 5000 Steam user reviews, almost all positive. A hundred more roll in every day—huge numbers for an unknown Japanese indie. Between the storefront buzz and a few people I follow on Twitter singing its praises, I took the plunge. I have now played around forty hours, enjoyed every one of them, and I’m not done yet because it is a nigh-endless well of surprises.
