This hack lets you use YouTube as infinite cloud storage

This hack lets you use YouTube as infinite cloud storage


Cloud storage sure doesn’t feel as infinite as it used to. I remember thinking I’d never reach the limit on Google Drive, and now after years of phone photo backups I’m always having to clear space for storage. Those 15GB just don’t really cut it for modern, high quality video and image capture, or even mass file storage. Of course you can pay Google or some other storage service for more room. Or, you could just upload encoded videos to YouTube.

Storing data in video isn’t new, but this is the first time we’ve seen it used to turn YouTube into your own free cloud storage service. Hackaday (opens in new tab) shows off the work achieved by DvorakDwarf, who managed to encode bytes into pixels to store data in YouTube videos just in time for World Backup Day (opens in new tab) next month.
