This combo of Surviving Mars with factory building has you automate and expand a lunar colony in the wake of disaster

This combo of Surviving Mars with factory building has you automate and expand a lunar colony in the wake of disaster

An upcoming management-automation-strategy hybrid called The Crust is looking pretty promising, a concept that looks and plays like it’ll be a combination of Surviving Mars and a Factory-building game. You’re put in charge of an automated building and mining system on the lunar surface shortly before a disaster that leaves you as one of the only people with a fully functional, operating lunar colony. From there it’s up to you to ship resources to Earth, aid disaster survivors, and build up your base’s capabilities.

The Crust had a demo during the recent Steam next fest that’s still available, though I don’t know for how long. I spent perhaps too long with it—just because I thought the premise was so interesting and fun. If you hurry you can probably jump in for a few hours of exploration and base-building, though the demo build doesn’t have colonists to land on the moon yet. It also has a few bugs, some really offputting placeholder robot voices, and all the things you’d expect an unfinished, unreleased game to have going for it.

You’ve got two bases: Aboveground and below. The aboveground facility has the big stuff: Power generation, exploration vehicle facilities, and launch sites. Below ground you set up mines, ore processing, and manufacturing hubs.