Things that caught my eye in last night's Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty DLC trailer

Things that caught my eye in last night’s Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty DLC trailer


Last night, we got another look at the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 DLC, Phantom Liberty. This trailer, while only a little over a minute and a half long, gave us a few surprises. Namely, the debut of Idris Elba’s Solomon Reed.

You can see it for yourself below.

This looks V good!

So, yes, there is Elba in character (also, hey Keanu!). But just who exactly is that character? Let’s Idris the Elba in the room…

According to developer CD Projekt Red, Reed is the one person we will be able to trust to help us “fulfil an impossible mission of espionage and survival.” He is a veteran New United States of America agent, and his character will be pivotal to Phantom Liberty’s story.

Idris Elba as Solomon Reed.

This will all more than likely have something to do with the destroyed New United States of America wreck we saw at the trailer’s opening…

Something bad happened here.

The inside isn’t fairing much better.

Meanwhile, in all its dark and shady and very Cyberpunky (as you would expect with this being a Cyberpunk 2077 expansion) glory, this trailer also gave us a new look at Dogtown.

This new area in Night City is where Phantom Liberty is set (at least “primarily”) and it seems as debauched as you could imagine. There are neon lit bars, an arid slum, underpass shootouts. Yes, this is definitely Cyberpunk.

Of nightlife and neon.

I can feel the dryness.

Clearly this is not a safe neighbourhood.

I’m not sure if this is meant to be an Easter egg or not, but in the trailer Reed informs us he wants to “burn [Dogtown] to the ground”, and this gave me a little throwback to Keanu Reeves’ Johnny Silverhand telling us all we had “a city to burn”.

Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand in the latest Phantom Liberty trailer.

Another neat little inclusion shown off in this trailer is a new melee finisher. Not for those with a faint heart, let’s talk about that Mantis Blade finisher. Oh. My. Days! It looks painful… and final!

I slowed this down and still couldn’t get a decent still. There is no waking up from this!

Did anything else in this trailer catch your eye?

Phantom City is set to release next year for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.
