They're making a story-driven sequel to Lunar Lander, the 1979 Atari arcade game where all you do is land on the moon

They’re making a story-driven sequel to Lunar Lander, the 1979 Atari arcade game where all you do is land on the moon

As someone who grew up with an Atari 2600 it sure is nice to be able to talk about an upcoming Atari game with positive anticipation. That’s how I feel about Lunar Lander Beyond, a forthcoming sequel to a game so old it’s developed a pot belly and taken up jogging.

Atari’s original Lunar Lander came out in 1979, and was Atari’s first game to use vector graphics. It was also one of the first two games registered with the United States Copyright Office, the other being Asteroids. While there had been several preceding games inspired by the Apollo moon landing, Lunar Lander’s touchy controls and limited fuel kept the tension high (and the coins in your pocket low), which made it particularly memorable. It inspired several follow-ups, including a 3D one called Lander released by Psygnosis in 1999.