I don’t mean to brag, but I’m pretty good at Hitman. I’ve got all sorts of level masteries, possess loads of exploding doodads, and can reliably bang out a Silent Assassin rating on any map from the recent games. At least, that’s what I thought until about 45 minutes ago, when I began watching the entries for a $1000 Hitman 2 speedrun challenge (opens in new tab), created and hosted by a YouTuber named Atrioc. I now realise my meagre talents mean nothing, and will retire in shame forthwith.
The setup was this: Atrioc enlisted Hitman speedrunner and contract creator davidredsox (opens in new tab) to put together the most “fiendishly difficult” Silent Assassin contract he could within the confines of Hitman 2’s Miami map. The result was a mission that revolved around five targets: Miami’s Mechanic, Medic, A/V Guy, Jogger, and Lazy Guard.