There's just a few days left to download The Matrix Awakens UE5 demo

There’s just a few days left to download The Matrix Awakens UE5 demo


There’s not much longer for those who are yet to claim The Matrix Awakens to do so.

In fact, you only have a few more days, as the Unreal Engine 5 tech demo will be removed from Xbox series X/S and PlayStation 5 stores on 9th July.

So, if you want to have a whirl in its bustling and hyper-realistic world, you had better get a wiggle on.

The Digital Foundry team share their initial reactions and insights on The Matrix Awakens demo.

Of course, once you have downloaded this demo, you will be able to dip in and out at your leisure. Rest assured, you won’t have to have a frenzied play around once the download has finished if you don’t have the time.

The Matrix Awakens is an impressive demonstration of Unreal Engine 5’s power. Bertie agrees with me… After having a go himself, he called it a “breathtaking demonstration of what Unreal Engine 5 can do”. Great minds!

Meanwhile, Digital Foundry’s Richard Leadbetter called it the “closest we’ve seen to an interactive motion picture”.
