The Zachtronics Solitaire Collection will be out next week

The Zachtronics Solitaire Collection will be out next week


Earlier this year, Zachtronics, the indie studio dedicated to making puzzle games that teach you programming languages or entire new ways of thinking, announced it was making its final new game. That game was Last Call BBS, an anthology that includes an excellent model-robot-assembly simulator and another of the Solitaire variants that have become the studio’s hallmark. Although Zachtronics isn’t backing down on the “no more new games” part of the deal, the studio always planned to follow Last Call BBS with a compilation of all its Solitaire variants as a kind of epilogue. It’s now announced The Zachtronics Solitaire Collection will be released on Steam next week. 

There’s a trailer to accompany the announcement, embedded above, and it’s the most thrilling trailer for Solitaire I’ve ever seen. It’s probably the only trailer for Solitaire I’ve ever seen, but that’s beside the point. “Inside you’ll find all seven of our solitaire games,” Zach Barth of Zachtronics says (opens in new tab), “remastered with 4K graphics, in addition to a brand new Tarot-themed game that is my new favorite of them all.” Helpfully, the YouTube algorithm has declared the trailer to be a video of the Microsoft Solitaire Collection.
