A cleaner standing in front of a house

The yellow nozzle in PowerWash Simulator is OP and I both want them to sort this out and also never change it in any way

I have cleaned more objects with jets of water in PowerWash Simulator than you have had hot dinners. This is not hyperbole. I have done some basic maths (or math, if you prefer) to prove my power washing versus hot dinner credentials*. As a result, I can absolutely put myself forward as a power wash expert. A phenomenon, even. My friends could recommend me for power washing on LinkedIn. Maybe one day I’ll even live out my dream and host a webinar about the power of the yellow nozzle! Unironically!

In fact, let’s do a trial run of my webinar in this article. The webinar is called:

The yellow nozzle: Overpowered friend or overpowered foe?

Slide 1:

(Image credit: FuturLab)

Webinar opens with a crash zoom on the yellow nozzle, maybe a fanfare of some kind. 
