The Witcher season 2, episode 6 recap: The Temple of Melitele

The Witcher season 2, episode 6 recap: The Temple of Melitele


It’s another event-filled episode, with Ciri’s powers being put to the test yet again. Istredd visits some interesting information brokers to find more about Ciri’s heritage, Cahir butts heads with his new elven pals at Cintra, and Yennefer and Geralt are reunited at last, though as usual, it doesn’t end well.

This episode starts with Ciri and Geralt in the woods, with Geralt once again lamenting that Ciri wanted to undergo the Trial of the Grasses. She thinks he doesn’t care what she wants, which we know not to be true, but it’s tough reasoning with teenagers. A new stellacite Chernobog monster attacks them, and Geralt finally puts Ciri to the test, using her as bait. He slays the beast, and Ciri admits that she could feel that it didn’t want to attack her, which draws the most intrigued “Hmm!” from Geralt of the season.
