The Sims 4 getting life-stage-focused Growing Together expansion in March

The Sims 4 getting life-stage-focused Growing Together expansion in March


EA has revealed The Sims 4’s previously teased new Infants life stage will arrive as a free update to the base game on 16th March, and it’ll launch alongside the newly revealed Growing Together Expansion Pack, which aims to expand gameplay options across all life stages.

The Sims 4’s new Infants life stage is intended to bridge the existing gap between newborns and toddlers, fleshing out Sims’ earliest years by introducing adorable little toerags with their own personalities, needs, emotions, and sentiments.

The free update will give players the tools to create and modify infants in Create-a-Sim, and includes a broad range of clothing, accessories, and hairstyles. It’ll also feature various Infant-themed interactions, including the ability to adopt Infants, change their nappies, given them a nap, put them down to sleep, and more.

The Sims 4 Growing Together Expansion Pack: Official Reveal – Trailer.

Beyond that, players will need to turn to The Sims 4’s new Growing Together Expansion Pack, which adds further systems to the new life stage. There are Infant Milestones that grant new abilities, 18 discoverable Quirks that change an Infant’s behaviour – such as Self-soother, Early Rise, Messy Eater, Frequently Hiccups, Gassy, Good Appetite, Snuggly Sleeper, Happy Spitter, and Free-Air Tinkler – plus new tools including a Changing Station and Infant Playmat.

Growing Together isn’t focused purely on Infants, however, and brings addtions across the full range of Sims 4 life stages. Toddlers, for instance, get 18 possible Quirks of their own – including Aggressive, Picky Eater, Early Riser, Little Singer, Good Appetite, Loves Water, Hates Bedtime, and Loves being Carried – while Children get four new Aspirations (Slumber Party Animal, Mind and Body, Playtime Captain and Creative Genius), plus a new Childhood Confidence system.

There are new items for the young ‘uns to play with in the expansion – EA mentions the likes of a Treehouse, Splash Pad, Bike, Sleeping Bag, Slumber Parties, and Friendship Bracelets – and the additions continue into the older life stages.

The new Milestones system applies to all Sims, for instance, and continues to impact them as they age, with Milestones including overcoming a career obstacle, getting fired from a job, having a midlife crisis, and having the family move. Sims will also gain compatibility preferences as part of the new expansion, affecting who’ll they’ll gel with and who they won’t.

And at the very top end of the life stage ladder, Sim Elders can engage new activities – power walking, puzzle solving at the recreation centre, and serving as the caretaker of the family Keepsake Box are mentioned – and have access to new interactions, including Giving Life Lessons, Reminiscing on Good Times, and sneaking treats.

Finally, Growing Together adds a new world to explore in the form of bay town San Sequoia, which features three neighbourhoods: Anchorpoint Wharf, Gilbert Gardens, and Hopewell Hills. Here, Sims can go group walking, learn to ride a bike, jog and hike along the nature path, fish, catch a movie at the Wharf’s refurbished cinema, visit the children’s library, and more.

The Sims 4’s Growing Together Expansion Pack – which will likely cost £34.99 based on the price of previous releases – launches for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC on 16th March alongside the free Infants update.
