A cyberman holding a gun.

The return of the ’90s: That game you love is coming back


There’s a question that’s always asked by members of the industry at Gamescom. When you bump into someone you know as you’re rushing between appointments. As you’re debriefing about what you’ve seen in the pub after-hours. As you’re in the press room, struggling to transcribe an interview over the ambient noise that is Koelnmesse at full capacity. The question is always the same: “How’s your Gamescom going?”

Many of the people I talked to seemed to think it was a disappointment this year—a quiet showing from an industry still recovering from the effects of the pandemic. The major publishers hadn’t shown up. The big-budget blockbusters were nowhere to be found. I would nod my head sympathetically as I was told this. Secretly, though, I was in my element.

