The Pope started 2022 by blasting a song from hit RPG Undertale

The Pope started 2022 by blasting a song from hit RPG Undertale


For some reason, the Pope has now heard one of the most iconic videogame songs of the 2010s, as sighted by Kotaku. Yesterday, during a weekly general audience, the speakers in the Vatican blasted Undertale’s “Megalovania” as circus performers juggled and unicycled in front of His Holiness. There’s video proof too, in case you, like me, couldn’t believe this actually happened.

Late into the circus segment, the song that backs Undertale’s boss fight with Sans plays and nobody bats an eye. This jazzy, trumpet-filled version of “Megalovania” works pretty well with the performance, and the wide camera shots of the performers juggling balls while an expressionless audience looks on make it extra surreal. That, and how the entire thing takes place in front of the haunting glory of Fazzini’s The Resurrection. Maybe in 2023, someone will play the Halo theme or put on something from Deltarune.

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