A man and a woman in vault suits stand over irradiated and hostile ghouls in keyart for Fallout 1.

The original Fallout had so much attention to detail, you could get special dialogue for speedrunning it in a weird order and returning to a completed zone to talk to a zombie who hates you

Like PC Gamer print editor Robert Jones, my big reaction to the Fallout show has been getting classic with it, replaying the 1997 original for the first time in over a decade. It more than holds up in so many ways, including accounting for player choices so deranged, you wonder how anyone came across them organically.

The one that blows me away was showcased recently by Dante Hope on YouTube, the “rarest” dialogue in Fallout 1. Getting it requires bucking the game’s usual sequence of events by beating the final boss before the second-to-last boss in under 110 in-game days⁠—a tight time limit with how long overworld travel takes in Fallout⁠—then revisiting Necropolis, a one and done combat-heavy zone, to talk to a zombie who hates your guts.
