The view over a settlement at night in No Rest for the Wicked.

The next adventure from the developer of Ori and the Blind Forest is a gripping soulslike action-RPG with a survival game twist

From its opening moments, No Rest for the Wicked is dripping with atmosphere. Literally, a lot of the time—during my 90 minutes with the game, its grim setting is perpetually damp, a clouded island where bandits and worse lurk among sodden ruins. 

Its inhabitants—including my created character, a mystic warrior known as a “Cerim”—have a wonderfully gangly, grotesque look, like classical portraits whose paint is running in all that rain. And that’s just the normal humans—when I run into the enormous mutant that serves as this build’s boss fight, I get to see what ugly really looks like. But I’m getting ahead of myself.