Quake Threewave CTF

The most influential Quake mod of all time is back


Threewave, the classic capture the flag mod for the original Quake, is back after 26 years. Bethesda announced today (opens in new tab) that nine levels from the original Threewave CTF mod, along with the grappling hook, special runes, and other enhancements, have been brought back to life and added for free to the Quake remaster on Steam.

It’s hard to imagine now, but when Quake was originally released, it was very bare-bones. Threewave (opens in new tab) was one of the first big mods to address the game’s shortcomings: Developed by Zoid Kirsch, it was pretty basic itself at first, but it offered the excitement of goal-oriented teamplay and, maybe even more importantly, a grappling hook that changed everything.

