The most exciting games of not-E3 actually coming out this year

The most exciting games of not-E3 actually coming out this year


Not-E3 got off to a good start with Sony’s State of Play announcing that Spider-Man: Remastered would be bringing both of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Mans, Peter Parker and Miles Morales (though sadly not your friendly neighborhood Spiders-Man (opens in new tab)), to PC on August 12. That’s like two months away?

There were plenty of other games either revealed or expanded on during gameapalooza that have 2022 release dates as well. We may already have known about occult Marvel squad-em-up Midnight Suns, open-world crime sitcom Saints Row, speedrun FPS Neon White, retro horror anime Signalis, retro horror survival adventure The Callisto Protocol, and whatever the hell Cult of the Lamb is, but it was cool to see more of them and be reminded each one is due real soon now. And we had no idea about the existence of Goat Simulator 3, The Fridge is Red, Flashback 2, or plenty of other games, yet here they are suddenly on the verge of breaking through into our reality to wreak havoc on our wallets and social lives.
