the finals open beta

The Finals might be a bit less sweaty now it’s cracking down on cheaters

Embark Studios’ The Finals is one of the most interesting multiplayers to come along for a while. It’s also a brand new game from a new studio, and it unsurprisingly has some issues at launch. Alongside its underwhelming AI-assisted voiceovers, weird bugs, and questionable balance at the start of Season 1, as Morgan has pointed out, it’s a sweaty beast, placing major emphasis on multi-way competitive shooting that can overly rely on being the twitchiest trigger finger, and neglecting the tactical potential of its fantastic destruction tech.

Last week, Embark released an update aimed at improving the game’s skill-based matchmaking, and what followed was a cavalcade of complaints from players on Reddit, claiming that the SBMM changes had ruined the game. Par for the course, then. Mods ended up clamping down on these threads.