the finals free-to-play FPS

The Finals is a potentially incredible FPS stuck in the body of a sweaty esport

Inside of every FPS player are two beasts: the casual enjoyer of lightly competitive shooter romps, and the sweaty coordinator yelling callouts and going only for headshots. Lucky for both of those beasts, the genre is brimming with really good options for every type of shooter fan. I bounce around shooters depending on the mood, but I’m still not sure what mood I should be in to enjoy The Finals.

I’ve had my eye on The Finals since its 2022 announcement that went a little something like this: 12 players facing off on fully destructible maps, all synced on the server with technical wizardry, with modern guns and gadgets that look like they came out of an immersive sim. It shot right to the top of my most anticipated shooters. But I’ve put around 10 hours into The Finals over three different alphas and betas now, and it’s just not clicking.