The Elder Scrolls 6 may still be in pre-production •

The Elder Scrolls 6 may still be in pre-production •


The claim was made via a now-deleted LinkedIn profile.

If you’d been hoping that you might get to lay your hands on the highly-anticipated The Elder Scrolls 6 later this year, you might have to adjust your expectations: according to a now suspiciously-deleted LinkedIn profile, the game is seemingly still in pre-production.

The employment profile – which was reportedly updated in January 2022 – comes from a new starter at Bethesda, who reportedly joined the studio in talent acquisition just this month.

“Bethesda Games Studios sets the benchmark for open-world gaming and is currently in full production on Starfield, its first new universe in 25 years, and pre-production on the highly-anticipated The Elder Scrolls VI,” the profile – now unavailable – reportedly said (thanks, Gamereactor).

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As with any LinkedIn profile, we have to take this information with a giant bucketful of salt, but it may well help fans manage their expectations until Bethesda provides concrete confirmation. Many fans are now speculating that the RPG won’t move into production until the team has finished up with its other upcoming project, Starfield.

As Matt recently summarised for us, Xbox revealed back in November 2020 that it wanted Bethesda games to be “either first or better or best” on its platforms, but it wasn’t until the following March that it started to be more bullish about exclusivity, confirming “some new titles” from Bethesda and Zenimax Studios would be “exclusive to Xbox and PC”.

Since then, Bethesda’s Starfield has been confirmed as a PC and Xbox exclusive, while recent remarks from Spencer have suggested that may also be the case for the The Elder Scrolls 6.
