Several alien symbols make up the cover of City of Six Moons.

‘The designer will never answer any rules questions’: Upcoming solitaire board game requires you to codebreak its rulebook, which is written in a language that does not exist

I’ve been running a Pathfinder 2e game recently, and it’s been a challenge for my little brain—but its dense, rules-heavy tomes have got nothing on the upcoming solitaire game City of Six Moons, which is written in a language that does not exist except in the mind of its creator.

It’s a similar gambit to games like Heaven’s Vault, where you need to unlock and digest a language in order to progress—except there’s no mechanical helping hands to guide you. Instead, according to its entry on Boardgamegeek (thanks, Dicebreaker), its rulebook will be “written entirely in symbols and icons. You will need to decipher the game’s rules yourself. You will never know whether you’ve gotten it right or not. No mechanisms are listed on this page. The designer will never answer any rules questions”.