The '90s Back to the Future games really were manure

The ’90s Back to the Future games really were manure


From 2010 to 2014 Richard Cobbett (opens in new tab) wrote Crapshoot, a column about rolling the dice to bring random games back into the light. This week… take me awaaaaay, I don’t miiiiind. But you’d better promise me, you’ll improve your game design.

When you’ve got a beloved movie, you need at least a game or two to go with it, even if its creators willingly or otherwise end up tricking kids into such expensive disappointment that even Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’s Child Catcher shakes his head in disapproval. The greatest ’80s movie about dangerous driving and barely averted incest was hardly going to be an exception, even if the PC was spared the worst of the licensing horror. But with two separate shots at the target, did either Back to the Future II or Back to the Future III manage to beat the odds?

Wow, this is heavy. No, wait. The controls just suck.

Wow, this is heavy. No, wait. The controls just suck.

Of course not. Both games were awful, as you’d expect —though at least both were better than the truly eye-popping Back to the Future II & III on Nintendo, (opens in new tab) if only on the grounds that pretty much everything is, including chewing foil paper, bubonic plague, and finding half a worm inside your apple.
