That postmodern Lemmings-like where a Shiba Inu saves humanity is getting a PC version and a limited-time demo

That postmodern Lemmings-like where a Shiba Inu saves humanity is getting a PC version and a limited-time demo


Remember that weird, Lemmings-like game from last night’s Sony State of Play? The one where you’re a Shiba Inu guiding a stomping throng of humans through a blocky, abstract landscape? I hope so, because if you don’t it means I experienced some kind of religious hallucination. Regardless, something Sony neglected to mention is that the game is bound for PC as well as PlayStation. Humanity has a Steam page (opens in new tab), and a release date of May 2023 (the same as on console).

Humanity comes from the devs behind the excellent Tetris Effect (opens in new tab), and tells the tale of “a world where humanity is lost—without soul, without intellect, without a will of their own,” and their fate hinges entirely on “the wits and determination of a lone savior: you”. The “you” in this instance is a small, glowing Japanese dog.
