We take a look at the 12.14 TFT patch tease and more!
TFT Set 7 Dragonland’s new patch just went live yesterday, patch notes here if you’ve missed it. Unfortunately, there were some bugs found when it went live as it is somewhat becoming a common occurrence for this Set’s patches.
This time around, players found out that the 1-cost Mage Vladimir was gaining 20 mana for his each auto attack, where it was supposed to be only ten. While this bug may not have been too impactful on its own, combined with buffs to the multiple Mages and nerfs to other comps, the trait quickly become the dominant one.
Thankfully TFT is a game where devs are very active around the community and keep open communications. We saw another example of this when the lead designer of the game Stephen ‘Mortdog’ Mortimer got on Twitter to talk about the hotfixes they are planning for today, and thank fans for their continuing patience when it comes to bugs.
Patch 12.13 Update – This patch is a great example of how one bad change and an unintended bug can ruin things pretty quick.
The Vlad (20 mana) bug in conjunction with this Nami buff have put the meta in a not great spot. pic.twitter.com/Wp0FUg9X4K
— Riot Mort (@Mortdog) July 13, 2022
This isn’t the first time Mages were dominant during Set 7, and it seems like the TFT team doesn’t want them to stay like this. On top of fixing the Vladimir mana bug, devs are planning to revert the buffs Nami got in this patch (her max mana was reduced to 75 from 90) and maybe even put in some nerfs for the trait’s primary carry Ryze. Mort said the hotfix is scheduled for today, July 14.
Patch 12.14 tease
Aside from current-patch hotfixes, Mort also Tweeted about some changes they are planning for the next patch, 12.14. The talked about changes are mostly about the quality of life, not balance changes, except a Cruel Pact change.
Cruel Pact was one of the new Augments added for Set 7, a Prismatic one. It allowed players to sacrifice their health in exchange for early levels and players thought it might be overpowered when it was introduced. But after some play time, it turned out a not-so-good Augment, and not many chose to play it. So it will get an adjustment:
- Cruel Pact: Buying XP costs 4 Health instead of gold. 🠆 Buying XP costs 6 Health instead of gold. Heal 3 Health each round.
Then we have two more QoL changes about two of the biggest complaints from the player base. First one is getting dropped zero items during the Krugs (Stage 2-7), now every player is guaranteed at least one item drop on this stage. Playing the game without items is like a hard mode and it isn’t very fun, so this will be one of the better changes.
The second one is a timer for the Armories, things like Ornn or Radiant item shops. This wasn’t necessarily a must-have for most players, but that doesn’t change the fact it is better to have it than not to.
Patch 12.14 will drop on July 27, 2022.