TF2 voice cast chaos now includes ABBA parody because why not

TF2 voice cast chaos now includes ABBA parody because why not


In 2022, a group of voice actors from Team Fortress 2—Valve’s game of first-person shooting and endlessly shouting “MEDDDICCC!” when I’m right behind you, like I always am—caused chaos across small-town America in a hunt for sandwiches. Well, “sandviches”. They were also searching for the Medic, because some things never change.

It was a delightful series in which the actors, including Ellen McLain, who portrayed TF2’s loudspeaker-dominating Administrator but is more famous as GLaDOS from the Portal games, baffled bystanders while blaring at each other in-character. The videos have peaked in their most recent chapter: the Search for Sandvich becomes Song for Sandvich (opens in new tab), with the voice actors performing a version of Mamma Mia by ABBA only with the lyrics changed to reference The Heavy’s edible device.
