Terminator: Resistance developer making new RoboCop game

Terminator: Resistance developer making new RoboCop game


We’re getting a pair of new games themed around 1980s action movie icons Terminator and RoboCop.

Both were announced last night during publisher Nacon’s latest showcase, with RoboCop: Rogue City coming from Teyon, the developer behind the very wonky Terminator: Resistance.

RoboCop: Rogue City will be a first-person shooter, and of the two new games looks to be one we’ll see launch first – in June 2023 for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. Let’s take a look:

A first look at RoboCop: Rogue City.

And yes, RoboCop movie actor Peter Weller is indeed back to provide his voice, as well as his visual likeness.

Moving on, there was also the briefest of teases for a new, untitled Terminator game – this one being made by Rims Racing developer Nacon Studio Milan.

The teaser gives little away, though Nacon has said this will be a survival game set in an open world, between Judgment Day and the resistance led by John Connor.

The briefest of teases for a new Terminator project.

How’s all that for a bit of nostalgia this Friday?

