Do you have trouble dealing with Tank Karina in Mobile Legends? Check out this post for the best strategies to deal with her!
Tank Karina is still a very successful build in the current META for use in Mobile Legends Ranked matches owing to her ability to dominate the game. Although she appears to be unbeatable, Karina has numerous flaws that you may use to counter and defeat her in Mobile Legends.
Karina is a mobile assassin capable of storming in and destroying high-value targets. Karina works best in the Jungle position.
Check out this post if you’re seeking for the most efficient tactics to fight Tank Karina in Mobile Legends.

1. Tank Karina: Make use of a hero with a lot of hard CCs.
- Despite her defensive build, Karina may be overpowered by heavy CC heroes like Franco, Kaja, or Chou who can lock down her movements.
- As a result, once Karina is stopped by their Ultimate, she won’t be able to fight back.
- Karina’s movements can be slowed by any hero who can use a Stun effect.
- However, if you want to totally disable her, choose a hard CC hero.
2. Tank Karina: Make use of a tank-defeating hero (Except Karrie)
- Karrie is the finest anti-tank hero in Mobile Legends thanks to her Passive, which lets her to deal huge True Damage.
- However, you should avoid utilising Karrie to deal with Karina since she would be able to quickly destroy you.
- Instead, employ anti-tank heroes like X.Borg or Balmond, who can deal a lot of True Damage while also being able to endure Karina’s strikes.

3. In the early game, try to deny her all of her farm.
- Tank Karina has one major flaw: she struggles in the early stages of the game.
- As a result, be sure to contain her in the initial few minutes of the game, as she won’t be able to defend herself.
4. Constantly Invade Her
- You can try to keep attacking and taking all of Karina’s farms in order to stop her from finishing her core goods.
- Use heroes like Hanzo that have a lot of jungle clearing ability.

5. Be aware of your surroundings; do not overextend yourself.
- When dealing with Karina, the most essential thing to keep in mind is not to overextend yourself.
- Given Karina’s tremendous range, if you overextend, you’ll almost certainly be annihilated instantaneously.
- This is especially important if you’re playing a Core hero like a Mage or a Marksman.
So, those were some of the finest Mobile Legends counters against Tank Karina in Mobile Legends. You’ll have no trouble dealing with Tank Karina if you follow this guideline.
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