Minecraft - two armadillos stand inthe badlands together

Surprise! Minecraft’s brand new mob has rolled out months before the update we expected it would be in

Minecraft launched some new creatures this week in the form of armadillos and eight new types of wolf. If you thought: “Hold on, aren’t armadillos the new mob coming in the Minecraft 1.21 update later this year?” Yup, that’s what I’d assumed too. They’d been in snapshots already, but now they’ve actually rolled out not as an experimental feature, but as part of a regular old game update this week (version 1.20.8 for Bedrock and 1.20.5 for Java edition). Surprise!

The new armadillos will spawn in the savannah and badlands biomes as we’d been told to expect. The 1.20.8 patch notes also reveal that they can be lured towards players with spider eyes—that seems like a niche snack choice—can be put on leashes, and will roll up into a protective ball when they sense danger like players sprinting nearby, undead enemies, or players riding by on mounts. Importantly, you also don’t need to kill them to get their scaley “scute” skins. They’ll drop those periodically on their own or you can brush them to get one.

(Image credit: Mojang)

It’s no surprise that armadillos are bringing those new wolf variants with them too, since their scute (that’s the bony outer hide) is used to craft into wolf armor. Your canine pals no longer need to dive into the mines beside you unprotected. Those new wolf variants (pale, woods, ashen, black, chestnut, rusty, spotted, striped, and snowy) will all spawn in different biomes but appear to be mostly cosmetic variations other than that. 
