Mountain Everest 60 gaming keyboard

Supreme gaming keyboard maker Mountain is now a be quiet! affiliate


Gaming keyboard makers, Mountain, just became a subsidiary of the Listan group (opens in new tab), the same company that owns cooling, case, and power supply manufacturer be quiet!. That means two of our favorite makers of gaming PC gear are now sisters—essentially it’s a great day to be a PC gamer.

The Mountain Everest Max (opens in new tab) has been high in our list of best gaming keyboards (opens in new tab) for some time, and as an avid wanderer, I’ve always resonated with Mountain’s take on gaming (opens in new tab): “Much like climbing a mountain, gaming takes you on a journey that can be fun, challenging, and exciting … It doesn’t matter what games we play; the ascension creates the experiences and memories that we love to share, our way to the top of the mountain.”

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