Street Fighter 6 has real-time commentary and an open world mode

Street Fighter 6 has real-time commentary and an open world mode


Street Fighter 6 got its first big showing at today’s State of Play, and first impressions suggest that Capcom is working hard to make sure the launch version of the game feels more substantial than its predecessor. In the three-minute video we catch a glimpse of four confirmed characters—Ryu, Chun-Li, Luke, and a new character called Jamie whose fighting style is based on drunken boxing—as well as some other neat and unexpected features.

The most interesting new feature is Street Fighter 6’s new World Tour mode. This is “an immersive single player story mode” that has at its core an explorable, urban open world that has just a tiny whiff of Yakuza about it. “It’s time to experience the vast world of Street Fighter,” the game’s official website reads. “This isn’t just a story about the fighters, it’s a story about you, the player. Find your rival, meet friends, and walk the path of a world warrior.”
