Stellar Blade demo officially announced, after earlier slip-up

Stellar Blade demo officially announced, after earlier slip-up

There is a Stellar Blade demo coming to PlayStation 5.

It will arrive this Friday, 29th March, and be available from 2pm UK time.

Stellar Blade’s demo will take place at the very beginning of the game “when Eve, a member of the 7th Airborne Squad is sent to Earth on a mission to reclaim the planet from the Naytiba”. You can check out a teaser for Stellar Blade’s upcoming demo via the video below.

Stellar Blade – Demo Teaser | PS5 Games.Watch on YouTube

Those who take part in the demo will be able to play up to Stellar Blade’s first boss fight, developer Shift Up said. “We also have a little surprise included for players who complete the first stage,” it teased, before confirming save data will be carried over to the full release.

The news of Stellar Balde’s demo is perhaps not a surprise, given that it was accidentally added, and then swiftly removed, from the PlayStation Store earlier this month.

Stellar Blade is set to release on PlayStation 5 next month, on 26th April.

Those interested in the upcoming action-adventure game can pre-order now. Those that do will receive an early unlock of the Planet Diving Suit for Eve, a pair of Classic Round Glasses for Eve and Ear Armor Earrings (also for Eve).