Steam Next Fest returns with hundreds of new demos and dev streams

Steam Next Fest returns with hundreds of new demos and dev streams


The latest Steam Next Fest (opens in new tab) event is now underway, bringing hundreds of game demos, developer chats, and livestreams to the platform along with something new: Next Fest badges.

For the Steam badge collectors out there, the Steam Next Fest: October Edition will offer a profile badge for blasting through your discovery queue—essentially Steam’s personalized recommendation center. You can quickly roll through it multiple times to level it all the way up.

My exciting new badge! (Image credit: Valve)

It’s worth taking it slowly, though, at least if you have any interest at all in the games themselves, because there are hundreds of demos of upcoming games available for the duration of the event. How many hundreds? I don’t know, but it’s a lot, and covers every Steam category from your basic action-adventure and strategy to controller-based games and VR.
