Development on free-to-play MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic is still going strong after 13 years, with its latest patch adding a new storyline surrounding House Inrokini and highly requested date nights with romanced companions.
SWTOR’s sixth season of content, Building a Foundation, and game update 7.4.1 rolled out yesterday and included all of the above. Building a Foundation adds three new story missions related to the Inrokini Chiss family, who were previously introduced in the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion from 2016.
Date Night Companion Missions are part of update 7.4.1, and give players unique interactions with romanced companions. The missions are repeatable every week, and are “fully-voiced, cinematic-only scenes that are unique to the partner’s interest”.
Copero Stronghold
For now, only Theron Shan, Lana Beniko, Koth Vortena, and Arcann can be taken on date nights, but more companions are planned to get date night missions with each new season. Full details on update 7.4.1 and Building a Foundation can be found on SWTOR’s official website.
Last year, Broadsword Online Games (composed of former employees at EA subsidiary Mythic Entertainment) took over development of SWTOR from BioWare to allow the latter to focus on Mass and Dragon Age. Following concerns SWTOR was shutting down, BioWare assured players content for 2024 and 2025 was being planned.
BioWare released a brief Dragon Age: Dreadwolf teaser at the end of last year, and said a full reveal of the game will happen this summer. Recent reports have suggested we’ll see Dragon Age: Dreadwolf release this year.
BioWare also released a brief teaser for the next Mass Effect game at the end of last year. Giant Bomb’s Jeff Bruff claimed fans might have to wait until as far ahead as 2029 for Mass Effect 5 shortly after.