Star Wars Outlaws is out this August, and wow does it look more jam-packed full of aliens than any Star Wars game I can remember

Star Wars Outlaws is out this August, and wow does it look more jam-packed full of aliens than any Star Wars game I can remember

Last year we wrote that Star Wars Outlaws looked like the best thing Ubisoft has made in years, and it hinted at a big enough scope that I was a little skeptical it would actually be released in 2024. But not only is it truly coming this year, it’s coming this summer: Ubisoft announced an August 30 release date in a new trailer that’s heavy on cutscenes, characters, and a lot of very Star Wars-y action moments.

In about two-and-a-half minutes of trailer, we get all of the following: 

  • An absolute smorgasbord of alien races
  • A Mon Calamari doing the gravelly voice
  • A ridiculous Star Wars name in the villain, “Sliro”
  • AT-STs, aka chicken walkers
  • A Jabba and Han Solo in carbonite cameo
  • Stealing a ship from an Imperial hangar
  • Spaceship dogfighting
  • The Sarlacc pit