Key art stormtroopers getting blasted

Star Wars: Dark Forces’ box art showed a level that wasn’t in the game: nearly 30 years later, we can finally play it thanks to the remaster

Nightdive Studios’ quality remaster of Star Wars: Dark Forces is an excellent way to revisit Kyle Katarn’s first adventure, a landmark FPS that would give rise to some of the best lightsaber action games ever. As pointed out by the Twitter account of Dark Forces/Jedi Knight fan site, the remaster also preserves a bit of FPS history with its restoration of cut level, the ISD Avenger.

The Avenger served as a demo level at the Consumer Electronics Show prior to Dark Forces’ original release in 1995. It seems to have been an alternate first mission, with Kyle Katarn storming the titular Star Destroyer and making off with the Death Star plans in a commandeered TIE Fighter⁠—just the vanilla kind, not one of its cooler (or lamer) variants.